Why Choose Lanopt?
I Understand Small Business IT
I know the needs and concerns of the 2-30 information worker business. Legal, Manufactuing, Construction have similar needs to be able to access their information, keep it secure and protect it from hackers and disasters. I offer solutions appropriate to the needs of today's businesses.
I Am Responsive
I pick up the phone and respond to texts and emails. By choosing to work in an area with a lot of small businesses I can get to you in a hurry if you need it. I work remotely when necessary to provide great support but enjoy being onsite to help you.
I Am Local
I live in Summit, NJ. I work between Bloomfield and Edison to the North and South, Newark and Far Hills to the East and West. I use many of the services of my customers in my own life and enjoy helping my customers network with others.
We Are Fairly Priced
You know that you get what you pay for, but don't want to pay for something that you don't need. I feel the same way and price my services accordingly. I won't sell or recommend anything that you don't need and will make sure you understand why you may want a product that you don't use already.
This Is Our Full Time Gig
You don't want an IT Service Provider who has a corporate job (they won't be able to help you while they are working and you will not be their first priority). You don't want IT help from an employee (they may get to know more than is appropriate). Don't accept help from a gifted child or neighbor and please don't do it yourself (child may be in school when your network goes down, neighbor may want a 3 AM airport ride to LaGuardia and surely your time is more valuable time thinking strategically than finding the right print drivers for your printer)